We are really excited to share a recent blog post from our friends at Plate Up…
You see, delicious lollies are not just for summer! If you’re looking for a fun healthy snack, treat or dessert then look no further! Happy start to 2022 everyone!
We are really excited to share a recent blog post from our friends at Plate Up…
You see, delicious lollies are not just for summer! If you’re looking for a fun healthy snack, treat or dessert then look no further! Happy start to 2022 everyone!
Our full range of organic, plastic-free ice lollies are available on OCADO!
Elderflower Festival this year was amazing and we had so much fun meeting all of our Lolly Lovers! Check out our photo diary from this wonderful and wild festival
Did you know that 90% or more of fruits and veg are water based? Yup! Here at LICKALIX HQ we love that we can drink water and eat it too.
Spring has finally come and there are beautiful fruit and vegetables at every turn. If that isn't enough to convince you here's a look at what vitamins and minerals are in what fruit, their health benefits and how much you should be eating.
Having become part of the Lickalix team my first task was to reflect on the nostalgic times of my childhood. Making my list of the lollies that awakened the inner child in me wasn't as straightforward as I first thought.